Monday, April 14, 2014




my original plan was to use super sauce to transfer this image onto the mirror. super sauce is just a solution that is applied onto the surface you are transferring the image to. after you apply the sauce you are to quickly roll the image onto the surface with a paint roller, ensuring there are no air bubbles. if there are air bubbles, it was cause the image to rip off when peeling the image off of the surface u transferred it to. Unfortunately the super sauce method was not a good fit, because the surface was not flat, the image was not transferring fully and clearly

My second... third... fourth... attempt didn't work so well, i continued to try to use the super sauce determined to get the transparent look i wanted, but never ever got it to work. My secondary plan was to use contact paper. With contact paper you must print using an ink jet printer, or the ink will rub away completely. I just printed the image on copy paper, and then cut out contact paper that was a little bit bigger than the image. i peeled the sticky side of the contact paper up, and stuck the image to it, print down. Then soaked it completely in hot water, and then let it dry completely. after letting it dry, i dabbed my finger in lukewarm water, and rubbed the back of the image in circular motions, rubbing the paper away, but leaving the ink stuck to the contact paper. i then let it dry again, regaining the stickiness to the contact paper, then stuck it to the mirror, making sure it was stuck completely and there were NO AIR BUBBLES. that's basically it! i mean i didnt get the exact finished product i wanted but it was as good as i was going to get it without ruining the mirror! will post finished product next!


my first step in creating an amazing work using an alternative process, began with an idea. This final product could not be a flat image. My inspiration was this beautiful hand mirror i remember as a child exploring my great aunts bedroom. This mirror has bumps, and ridges, lines and details. and meaning. my other inspiration came from a photograph on my fridge. i walk by this photo of my long time deceased grandmother everyday, and think nothing of it, but its quite different for my mother. My mom walks by that picture everyday and tells her that she loves and misses her everyday. I decided i wanted to do something nice for my mom, its not too often me or anyone does that. I wanted my mom to be able to look at herself, and see her mother. this beautiful thought was quite hard to physically produce though. will talk about my process and struggles next post!