Saturday, November 9, 2013

Eduard Jean Steichen

Born in Bivange, Luxembourg 1879, American photographer Eduard Steichen was naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1900, signing the papers as Edward Steichen, but continued to use his birth name till after World War 1. At age 15 he came across a camera shop which he visited often out of curiosity until he finally purchased his first camera. Also in 1900, Steichen met Alfred Stieglitz while in New York City where he bought 3 of Edward Steichens prints. in 1904, he began to experiment with color photography.

File:Auguste Rodin by Edward Steichen, 1902.jpg

This is a portrait of Auguste Rodin (1902)
I just really like facial features and expressions in this photo

The Pond-Moonlight (1904)
This image interests me because in February 2006, it was auctioned off and sold for 2.9 million dollars.

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