Friday, October 18, 2013

Finding Inspiration

 I viewed many different artists works at We were to look at the work, and compare our own work to those of other non professional photographers. I think looking through this site i have found a a way to show what kind of photography i would like to pursue. I really enjoyed the dark and provocative images. You don't need to have a pretty sun set or a pretty face to produce a beautiful image with an amazing subject that keeps you guessing. When i looked at these images i just wanted to be able to ask the artist so many questions. These images are by Clay Stang, titled "Alberta Ballet Annual Report"

The 3 images are in order from my favorite to least favorite

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful post... I love these images, and they remind me of the photos you took last year of your brothers, I hope you are inspired to do great work like this because I know you have it in you.
