Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Transferring onto glass using SUPER SAUCE

for my alternative process, i wanted to transfer onto glass. i love the idea of seeing through the color. I used the super sauce transfer method, which is traditionally used on transferring onto metal. It was pretty simple to do, and came out pretty great. ill upload the original image, along with the image on a surface, and the image in my hand. The image is more intense when it is against a white surface. 

Friday, March 7, 2014


SO sadly i was told to look on how to print images onto a quilt we are gonna make i guess?... i'm so not into this idea at all as you can see. this website looked helpful on the subject. http://www.catswhoquilt.com/photoquilts.html

Also we were told to look up artists who use alternative processes.also not feelin that but this website has a few images i really enjoy. it says it is contemporary lens-less photography. very cool


Thursday, March 6, 2014

transferring images onto shirts

SO jaclyn took some pictures from some magazines, and newspapers, and things like that, with the goal of transferring them onto a shirt. she used a white t shirt, and i tried this process also, using a black tank top. My images were unsuccessful, i believe it was because my shirt was black. We did this using gel medium. coating the actual image with a tick layer of the gel medium, and quickly placing it on the shirt, assuring there are no air bubbles to ruin your image. then let it dry completely. after drying, carefully wet the paper enough so that u can gently rub it off in a circular motion, leaving only the transferred image. here is actual post on transferring images onto fabric



Cyanotypes are prints made from a negative, using light exposure, some chemicals, and cotton paper. Watching Alix do this process was nice, and it seemed pretty simple. She showed us the finished product and it looked so great, but unfortunately the run she did here, did not work at all. The chemicals werent exposed to enough direct sunlight i think, making the chemicals basically do nothing. here is her own blog post on Cyanotypes, with materials and instructions. http://alixblair.blogspot.com/2014/02/cyanotypes.html

anthotypes with taylor!

Anthotypes are printed photos made from the juice and pigments of plants, and vegetables. Taylor did this using red cabbage. She took just some red cabbage and some water, blending it into a nice liquid, with a dark purple color. IT SMELLS AWFUL. DO NOT USE RED CABBAGE IT STANKS. Im sure it will come out beautiful though. here is the link to her blog post on anthotypes!
