Monday, February 24, 2014

printing on glass!

i had this awesome idea of taking some dirt and some dead flowers and throwing them on a piece of glass. I dont want to completely cover up the glass with dirt, i want there to be some light coming through in some areas (Glass showing without dirt on it). I would have it supported by something so i can get underneath it, and photograph it. I thought that would be an awesome image. Since we are working with alternative processes right now, why not after photographing the image, transferring it onto glass. this site here has a list of materials, and steps to successfully print an image onto glass. hopefully ill be able to do a test run shortly. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Making Metal Prints

Alternative printing is pretty awesome if you ask me. There is a photo printed on metal in my photography classroom, which made me want to look into it a little more. Im still a little unsure of the easiest way to do it, and all the tools needed to do it, but here is a youtube link to a video i watched that put an idea in my head.      
This website here, demonstrates some ways to overcome some of the obstacles you may come across in the process of making a beautiful metal print.

Friday, February 7, 2014

subject 2

OKAY here are the final images of my house. ENJOY
CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/4.5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/4.5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/4.5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length42mm
F Numberf/5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/10
CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/4.5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/4.5

subject 1

here are the few images that i took in school of the ceramics classroom. wish i got more but im happy with what i have!
CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length34mm
F Numberf/5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length29mm
F Numberf/5

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length30mm
F Numberf/9

CameraCanon EOS REBEL T3
Focal Length30mm
F Numberf/9

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Starting off the year, my idea was to photograph the inner workings of a classroom in my school. But that didnt really work out how I wanted it to, so i got a few good images and got out of there!! Recently i got a job and do not have the time to take the amount of pictures i would like. So on my free time in between working and babysitting, i photograph my lovely house and things inside it i find nice. Once Photoshop stops closing out in the middle of me doing things, i will upload the images(: